Become a member of a unique and active community dedicated to the medical treatment, surgery, and captive care of the growing reptile and amphibian pet population, captive collections, and conservation of their wild counterparts.
A published journal that focuses on cutting-edge research, case reports and techniques in herpetological medicine.
We bring reptile and amphibian pet owners to the best veterinarians for their needs.
Herp Blerp
HB is our monthly electronic newsletter. Full of tips, tricks, announcements, and information, it's well worth the read for anyone seeking to learn more about medicine, conservation and many other topics.
ARAV Annual Conference
Network and learn from the best reptile and amphibian veterinarians in the field.
ARAV Members-Only Facebook Group
Our members only Facebook group enables you to privately post cases, ask questions, engage and share in discussions with colleagues around the world.
Join our professional network
A community of friendly followers who are willing to work together for the improvement of reptile and amphibian care both in captivity and the wild.