Dr. Gregory A. Lewbart wins 2024 RAVE Award

The 2024 Reptile and Amphibian Veterinary Excellence (RAVE) award was given to Gregory A. Lewbart, MS, VMD, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ECZM (Zoo Health Mgt.). Dr. Lewbart, professor of veterinary medicine at North Carolina State University, has spent decades introducing veterinary and undergraduate students to the fascinating world of amphibian and reptile medicine.
His formation of the NCSU Turtle Rescue Team in 1997 was pivotal in teaching thousands of students the intricacies of chelonian surgery and husbandry. With his guidance, the Turtle Rescue Team continues to conduct and publish research on native reptiles. Currently, Dr. Lewbart is working with students studying conservation efforts in the Galapagos Islands.
In addition to his professorship and projects with students, Dr. Lewbart regularly speaks at veterinary conferences and contributes to peer-reviewed research and journals for both veterinarians and reptile owners. His continued mentorship and dedication to veterinary students and the veterinary profession, specifically those working with or having an interest in herpetology is his greatest impact to the field.
The RAVE award is given annually as a joint effort between ARAV and ZooMed to recognize an ARAV member making significant contributions to the field of herpetological medicine.