ARAV’s Position Statements
From time to time the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians have felt it necessary to publish documents, white papers, letters, and policies regarding reptile and amphibian welfare, conservation, research, and other important issues affecting veterinarians, reptiles and amphibians, or their diseases. These documents were completed with research and referencing then reviewed and approved by the ARAV board of directors. The statements represent the opinions and information available at the time of their writing.
- ARAV Position Statement: COVID-19 with Reptiles and Amphibians
- ARAV President’s Message: Wildfires Burning
- ARAV Position Statement: Amazon Fires
- ARAV Position Statement: Call for Protection of the Endangered Species Act
- ARAV Position Statement: Reptiles and Amphibians as Pets
- Feral Cat White Paper
- ARAV Position Statement: Rattlesnake Roundups
- Snake Fungal Dermatitis
- ARAV Position Statement: Toe Clipping
- Letter in Support of the Endangered Species Act
The following publications are excerpts from the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians regarding important events and issues, and represent the opinions and statement of the respective authors, not the policies and positions of ARAV.
Development of an Antibiotic Policy – 2017
For more information, clarification or questions on any of this material please contact us at